Thursday, February 10, 2011

Birth Order Trait

Aha..we meet again!!!Today we will revealed your personality through your birth order..want to know about it?Let's check it out! (^,*)

Personality Traits of First Born Children - Birth Order 
  1. Eldest children are often high achievers, organized and detail oriented.
  2. Smarter? First born children may be smarter than youngest and middle children. First born' IQ points are on average 3 points higher than their younger siblings; in fact, IQ's tend to drop as more children are born in the family. This may be because parents spend more time with first born, and first born children mentor their younger siblings and thus learn more.
  3. Better educated. First born children are more likely to go to college or university than youngest or middle children. If parents can afford to send one child to school, it’s more likely to be the first born.
  4. More money. First born children may earn more money and be more likely to hold a high-paying, white collar job. First born are more likely to be surgeons, chairs in boardrooms, and hold MBA's.
  5. Favorites. First born children are more likely enjoy resources (food, parental time, emotional nourishment, attention) than youngest children.

Personality Traits of Middle Children - Birth Order

  1. Quite frankly, are almost always the opposite of what’s ever above them in the family. 
  2. Good listeners and negotiators 
  3. More mysterious. Middle born children are more difficult to define because their identity growing up changed (from last born to middle child). This affects their personality and environment in unpredictable ways.
  4. Peacekeepers. Middle born children may be more likely to keep peace in the family, to restore connections and relationships. 
  5. Less decisive. Middle children may take longer to choose a career than firstborn or later-born.
  6. Less connected. Middle children may not be as attached to the family as first born or later born.
  7. Middle kids are usually more secretive

Personality Traits of Last Born or Youngest Children - Birth Order
  1. More adventurous. Youngest children are more likely to be an artist, entrepreneur or adventurer – and more likely to participate in physically risky sports.
  2. Funnier. Last born children are more likely to be comedians or satirists. They’ll be outrageous or funny as a power strategy in the family.Last born children are happy people and more likely to end up as entertainers, whether it’s within their family or in their choice of career.
  3. More agreeable. Younger children tend to get along in the world better – a trait known as “agreeableness” 
  4. Last born children are risk takers in life and are open to change

Only Children

  1. Only children are often sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt.
  2. Reliable, conscientious, list makers, don’t like surprises