Wednesday, January 26, 2011

From the Inspector's Desk

Ruthless murders after murders happen each month. But there are obviously a few cases that stood out from each year. These assassination happen for various reason . Greed, jealousy, vengeance, can be such a logic reason for a murderer to commit the crime. Money can come between siblings, relatives and lovers. When greed takes over the a person’s psyche, murder can be a quick solution to the simple problem. As for the green monster of jealousy, vengeance can be a good friend. When jealousy arise, straightforward love conflict could be a reason for murder, this is when the best friend which vengeance comes and takes over. Knives, axes, cleaver, and a riffle are tools to complete the job. These tools are at times are taken for granted after being used. From these tools, we inspectors gain evidence and proof to seize the brutal murderers. To all the assassins that are still on the run, be aware. We suggest that u sleep with one eye open! Do not do the crime, if you cannot pay the time.