Wednesday, February 9, 2011

iF I CouLd RuLe tHe WoRLd....i wOuLD ~~~

First of all I would change a lot of things in the world.....ermmm..but for the most important.. I think that at the moment this world is in a lot of trouble and to make it better looking......:)  We have to think for ourselves. I would mostly want to change poverty in this world.

There are many people out there who have the potential to become GrEaT peOpLe iN liFe. Just the lack of money, food, clothes and shelter holds them back. All these things we take for granted.... We people who have what we want should actually feel very guilty when you ask for or buy more stuff.

 I would also make murder victims get their justice by actually punishing the guilty..... I wouldn't want to kill them....hehehe...just kidding!!.. This just means in other words we are criminals too as we are killing somebody as well...:)  

 If I made a list of what things I wanted to change in this world there are many things and writing every single thing would just take too long to write...:)
i hope people out there having sucess in their life everyday...insyaallah..:)


jatropos said...


Our Not So Good Blog lah

KILL or be KILLED said...

thanks sifu! you've help us a lot!!

jatropos said...
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